In order to provide further stability across our collective workforce, the BSol People Board recently supported and approved the next steps in relation to the development of an ICS Bank.
Over the coming months, work will carried out to recruit to an ICS system bank as well as to establish and develop an actual bank leadership structure. The ICS bank is intended to complement and add to the temporary staffing services already in place within employing organisations and provide an additional point of supply as an alternative to agency staffing.
We will work closely with each organisation to understand the ‘hard to fill’ bank shifts and workforce priorities to ensure that recruitment to the ICS Bank focusing on those roles which will also ensure that the staff recruited will be offered bank shifts across the ICS.
Initial recruitment to the ICS Bank, in the early stages, will come from the successful work previously undertaken to develop the BSol Covid Vaccine Bank, offering those individuals who are interested further and continued opportunities to work within healthcare; where appropriate targeted external recruitment will also take place. To support the seamless deployment of staff across the system, an operating model for the ICS Bank is under development which will also and ensure a clear link to clinical and operational service outcomes as well as clear and equitable rates of pay.
If you would like to find out more about this work, please contact